Some burning questions
- How can we reach the youth of Europe with the Gospel?
- How can we stand together reaching our Nations for Jesus?
- How can we see strategies develop that effectively and sustainably can disciple the next generation?
- How can we make sure the spirit filled life and “the Pentecostal mandate” is something that permeates the Christian Youth of Europe
- What is our greatest challenge in fulfilling the task ahead of us?
The purpose of PYE
- To provide a vision for Europe – not just for our Nations or local Churches
- Share insights / knowledge and experiences that would strengthen the National Youth groups in the local Church
- Unite key Spirit-filled Pentecostal youth leaders
- A place of prayer and spiritual ministry where youth directors / leaders with national influence also are ministered to – in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Focus Areas
- Healthy Youth ministry
- Schools and Universities
- Missions and evangelism
- Leadership development
- Media